Révision datée du 25 juin 2007 à 13:26 par imported>SylvainBeucler (→MultiTiki)
Pour changer le mot de passe admin:
update users_users set hash='be5d95a4f10556292622619c7b40ca37' where userId=1 and login='admin';
Le mot de passe devient savannah
Documentation: http://tikiwiki.org/MultiTiki19
Procédure pour créer un nouveau tiki:
TIKI=monwiki DOMAIN=$TIKI.domain.tld DB=tiki_$TIKI PASS=`pwgen -s1` cd /var/www/tikiwiki/ ./setup.sh root www-data 02775 $DOMAIN # If manual install: # chmod 444 /var/www/tikiwiki/installer/tiki-installer.php # http://localhost/tiki-install.php # chmod 500 tiki-install.php mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $DB" mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DB.* TO '$TIKI'@'localhost'" mysql -e "SET PASSWORD FOR '$TIKI'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('$PASS')" mysql $DB < db/tiki.sql mysql $DB < db/profiles/basicEnabled.prf doc/devtools/sqlupgrade.sh cat <<EOF > db/$DOMAIN/local.php <?php \$db_tiki='mysql'; \$dbversion_tiki='1.10'; \$host_tiki='localhost'; \$user_tiki='$TIKI'; \$pass_tiki='$PASS'; \$dbs_tiki='tiki_$TIKI'; EOF # file: /etc/apache/tikiwiki.inc mkdir -m 750 /var/log/apache2/$DOMAIN/ cat <<EOF >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/multitiki <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName $DOMAIN SetEnv TIKI_VIRTUAL $DOMAIN ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/$DOMAIN/error.log Customlog /var/log/apache2/$DOMAIN/access.log combined Include tikiwiki.inc </VirtualHost> EOF
cat <<EOF | mysql $DB -- Private wiki -- No anonymous read access DELETE FROM users_grouppermissions WHERE groupName='Anonymous' AND permName='tiki_p_view'; -- Moderated registrations REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name, value) VALUES ('validateRegistration', 'y'); -- Safety for future wiki merges REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name, value) VALUES ('feature_clear_passwords', 'y'); -- Auto-detect browser language REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name, value) VALUES ('feature_detect_language', 'y'); -- Disable some features - keep it simple at first REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_galleries', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_galleries', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_file_galleries', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_articles', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_forums', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_shoutbox', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_blogs', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_categories', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_categorypath', 'n'); -- Disable layout: REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_bot_bar_icons', 'n'); REPLACE INTO tiki_preferences (name,value) VALUES ('feature_bot_bar_debug', 'n'); EOF
Pour supprimer un tiki:
find -type d -name "$DOMAIN" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf rm -rf /var/log/apache/$DOMAIN mysqladmin drop -f $DB mysql -e "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $DB.* FROM '$TIKI'@'localhost'"
et retire la section correspondante de la configuration Apache.